Friday, November 15, 2019

House in scratch S4A

Tuesday, November 12,2019.

The teacher taught us to design a traffic light with arduino and taught us the commands indicated so that the program works with the board.

LEARNING: I learned to make a house applying the commands of the traffic light that the teacher taught us, I designed my house in which the rooms turn on and off respectively.

Homework: to bring programmed the house to test it with the arduin plate.

Saturday, November 09, 2019


Tuesday, November 05,2019.

The professor christian gave them a brief explanation on how to use the arduino plate next to the scratch program S4A and left us an exercise to place in colpegasus on a house in scratch. 

LEARNING: I learned to program S4A with the arduino board and as I received the policy conference I learned that laws are made for the most powerful and we have to fight to change this.

photo references:

Saturday, November 02, 2019

Characteristics for Arduino and Scratch.

Tuesday, October 29,2019 


This Tuesday the teacher showed us the different types of telephone signal sensors and plates that we are going to use for the rest of the year.

He explained the parts of the board and how it works, along with the features they have.

I learned that cell phones carry 3.3 v and others carry 1.5v. 

  1. Electrical characteristics of arduino.
  2. Scratch characteristics for arduino.

solution :

Characteristics of arduino:


  • Microcontroller: ATmega328 
  • Operating voltage: 5V 
  • Input voltage (recommended): 7-12V 
  • Input voltage (limits): 6-20V 
  • Digital I/O pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
  •  Analog input pins: 6
  •  DC current per I/O pin: 40 mA 
  • DC current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
  •  Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by the bootloader 
  • SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
  •  EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328) 
  • Clock speed: 16 MHz.
Scratch Characteristics for Arduino:

Entorno del S4A
The S4A interface is very similar to Scratch 1.4 in that it is a version of it.

Interfaz de S4A

In the scenario you will see a table of pins inputs and outputs of arduino board and a drawing of it, if this is not connected will appear a message "looking for board" which will disappear when the S4A recognizes it.

Escenario inicial de S4A
scratch for arduino has several specific blocks to connect to arduino, they are in the "motion" section and are the ones that allow sending instructions to the arduino board micro-controller.
Bloques específicos de S4A

In the same way, editing objects brings with it buttons to create, draw and import arduino objects.
Edición de objetos en S4A